The Canton of Stegby
in the Society for Creative Anachronism.

What is Stegby?

Stegby is a Canton of the Barony of River Haven which is in the Kingdom of Lochac (Australia and New Zealand)

What is this page ?

This page is a privatly owned and operated webpage supporting the Canton of Stegby. It points to and adds extra content (eg Photos) and other resources to what is available via conventional SCA resources. It does not and never will delineate SCA policyor rules regarding the Canton of Stegby or, the SCA. Any views or opinions are of the author and owner of this page.

Stegby? Where, Who ...

The Canton of Stegby is located in the Southern Darling Downs and is headquartered in Warwick.

Arts and Science (A&S) Meetings are currently held every Wednesday night at the Senior Citizens Hall, Cnr Guy and Albert Streets, starting at 7:30pm and going through to around 9:30-10pm

To contact people in the Group:

Seneschal (President) Stegby Seneschal.
Chronicler Stegby Chronicler
Reeve (Treasurer) Stegby Reeve
A&S (Arts and Sciences) Stegby A&S
Herald Stegby Group Herald
Constable Stegby Constable
Archery Stegby Archery Marshal
Marshal Stegby Group Marshal